"The dark moment the caterpillar calls the end, is the sun-filled moment the butterfly calls the beginning. "...Unknown


"The dark moment the caterpillar calls the end, is the sun-filled moment the butterfly calls the beginning. "...Unknown 〰️

Hate Therapy? Me too!

Therapy Sucks. It’s time-consuming, uncomfortable, and to some, it feels like a sign of weakness. Who wants to show their ugly, scary part to a stranger? The reality is – if you are seeking out therapy, it means that you are strong enough and brave enough to be willing to admit that we could all use some help navigating through painful or confusing times. It is a basic human need to have other humans witness our pain, problems, joys, and successes.

“Therapy Sucks, but being in pain sucks more".

Okay, I don’t really think therapy sucks but I did became a therapist because when I most needed one myself, I couldn't find anyone who seemed to understand me. Don't get me wrong, I tried several therapists throughout the years but each time I found myself sitting across the room from a perfectly put-together person who I believed could not relate to my struggles. Sometimes they were condescending and judgmental. Other times, they would make it clear that they were not interested in my goals, only theirs.

After several years of feeling uncomfortable sitting across from a “boring” therapist, I decided to become a different sort of therapist. (Don’t worry I finally found an amazing, not “boring” therapist of my own)

I'm not your Average therapist. 

​I'm real. I'm approachable. I may or may not have a potty mouth. And I don't think therapy should be some stale, clinical, sterile experience. In our sessions, I'll show you how to be vulnerable and genuine by being that way myself. Let me be real with you, so you can be real with me. I'll laugh at your jokes if you will laugh at mine. I might even drop some f-bombs if you are lucky. You can even show me your favorite cat video(s) or we can listen to your favorite song.

I don't just put "not your average therapist" at the top of my page to be showy. I truly believe that you deserve to have a therapist that “gets you” and does not act like a boring, stiff, bump on the couch. I may have gone through lengthy and specific education/training to be in the role I'm in, but that doesn't make me any better than you or the "expert" of your life. You're the expert of your life. I am just trained and skilled at using naturally flowing conversation to elicit the change you're seeking.​

I welcome diversity…

including all body sizes, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, religions, sexual preferences, and especially those who may feel less welcome or accepted in other settings. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming, Neurodiversity affirming, Kink+, Sex+, body positive, and affirming of Poly/ENM relationships/structures.